Random and Odd


I gave him a couple of bucks. I would have given him a ten if he said Captain and Coke.

Blogger is being a bitch. I can’t comment on some blogs…for that, I am sorry. I am still reading and I am wanting to comment. Just go look at your comment section, think of something witty and then pretend I wrote it.

WELP. We are on day one million of STILL not having the money from my loan. I swear there is only so much I can take before I start to get mean. I called the title company today to make sure they wire that money that the lender wired to them on Friday to my bank account.

“We haven’t gotten the wire from the lender yet.” Nice lady says.
“But Hot Loan Guy said the lender send you the money on Friday and it would be in my bank account on Monday by 3pm.” I whine.
“Sorry sweetie, we don’t have the money yet, and we would still have to record with the county..and blah blah…no money until Tuesday… if…”

Did I ever tell you how many phones I have gone through in my life? I have this horrible problem of ‘dropping’ them when I mad.
I mean ‘dropping’ in the sense that I take the phone and throw it at the floor with such force that I look like I have just run it in for a touch down.

“Thank you nice lady. I am now going to call Hot Loan Guy and tell him where he’s going to shove it if I don’t get that money wired into my account today.” I hang up.

I want to drop kick the phone into the wall right now, but I can’t…because I am a calmer, more put together woman. I have a 15 year old boy in my house that needs a strong role model for a mother figure around. I have 4 girls that need to know that in situations like this…you can’t…just…THROW THE GOD DAMN PHONE AT THE WALL AND SCREAM.

I called the loan guy. He’s not ‘hot’ anymore. He would have remained hot if I had checked my account balance today and it had a comma in there. No comma…not hot anymore.
“Uh, you said the lender funded. The title has not gotten the money. I have no money.”
“Let me make a few phone calls.”

I think that phrase, in loan terms means: “Sweetie, bend over. You’re going to feel a little pressure and then a slight pinch.”

He’s going to call me back. The kids are at school so I might throw the phone after I hang up.

Don’t send cookies, send superglue.