Random and Odd


It’s Sunday and I am getting in a car and heading to Chico to visit a friend from 8th grade.
Pictures to follow.

It’s also what I call ‘Susie Sunday’. You don’t have to do anything, you just go and read the little phrase, quote, scripture…over at Susies. I love Sundays because sometimes she mentions ‘hope’, but she also just makes you feel like you stopped by and had a cup of coffee.

Today is an important day in my sister’s life.
In the Seguin family, we have been through a lot. With 5 kids, i’m sure you could have enough stories about our childhood to make you cry, laugh and shake your head in disbelief for several years.
We all have our stories of our childhood. The struggles we went through and how we walked out of those completely screwed up or the strongest person in the world.

My sister fought for personal freedom. When you read her blog…it’s just the tippity top of the surface of who she really is. If you really knew her, you would love her more than you have loved anyone you have never met. She inspires you, she makes you laugh, she lifts you up and she will drop your ass if you get mean. She is the most real person I know, hands down, ever.

She is also REALLY DAMN HOT for someone who’s almost FIFTY!

*i love being the obnoxious little sister*