• Random and Odd

    First 13th of 2011

    Jan 13th 2011, originally uploaded by Suddenly Single.

    This year I decided that on the 13th of every month I am going to do something fun and for me.
    This month I wasn’t prepared for it, but it turned out to be a great evening.

    Under not so good circumstances I ended up having my brothers and sister at my house for the night. We went to dinner and met my bestest of all the bestest friends I have ever had and her oh so funny boyfriend at the Tree. Our friend showed up and we all had a couple of drinks and watched the people sing horribly.

    I am liking how happy I am looking lately. I noticed it the last set of pictures, of course, Randy was in those pictures too. I’m starting to wonder if he is just making me look good. Most likely the case.
    Yesterday started out to be one of those emotionally draining days where it would have been easy to bury myself under the covers, but it wasn’t an option. My ankle is killing me and the ice and brace isn’t working. I’m getting kind of bitter about it too. I hate being down and unable to go run or hike.
    Regardless of feeling down and emotional yesterday I had a great night with lots of conversations, plans made and laughter.

    Everyday I learn something new. Yesterday was no exception.