• Random and Odd

    They called me a airhead in high school. Don’t know why.

    I lied.  I didn’t do it on purpose, because I’m not a purposeful liar, I’m just a ‘oh, oops, I know I should have done that, but I didn’t, even though I said I was going to, I suck.’ variety of liar.  Yes, I’m talking about Stuff Portrait Friday assignment.  I got lazy with all the stress last month and let Shaun take over and he did a great job. Right? can I get an “Amen, sista!”?  Good, thank you. Anyway, he took over and did it and then the new year came around and I’m all about getting my life together and taking back my life from whatever the hell happened to me.
    I have cleaned my room and done laundry EVERY SINGLE DAY.  This, my friends…is HUUUUU-GGGGGG-EEEE!
    I have also been taking steps to go to bed without the television on. If I have the boob-tube on, I turn it off at midnight and will myself to sleep.  It’s working and I am finally changing my sleeping habits.

    But, that doesn’t mean that I should neglect Stuff Portrait Friday. I am going to twist it around a little bit, because I have lost my love for it.  STOP THROWING FISH AT ME!
    I love taking pictures, but the pressure of it caused me to drop out of the 365 days of Random and Odd. It has caused me to stop getting in the car and take pictures.  I haven’t touched Earl or Randy in many days and it’s sad. What the hell?
    I’m going to take STUFF PORTRAIT FRIDAY from 3 pictures on Friday to ONE picture on Friday.  I’m going to open it up to be more artistic or completely brainless; depending on what you’re feeling that week.

    We cool?  Okay, don’t get mad, I just need to re-find my love of SPF.  I need to find the new boundaries of my new relationship with SPF.  I need SPF to romance me a little bit before I put out.

    If you want to play this week; shootin’ from the hip; on the fly…then feel free to join me. (and feel free to ignore my use of ” ; ” in this and all future posts. I don’t really know the proper use of it, but I really like the way it looks. I might trade in my three dot dot dots for it)

    Tomorrow’s assignment:  Your Television Remote/s.

    (see, that one was the brainless one, next week I might feel a little more Cuhhh-razy and do something to make you think)

    *smoooches to all of you*  and for the men readers…I put a little ass and boob in this post JUST FOR YOU!
