• Random and Odd

    A Random and Odd Update:

    (CBS 13) AUBURN – After several days of preliminary hearings an Auburn Judge has decided that Mario Garcia should stand trial for the murder of Christie Wilson.

    ‘Cita and I went to court this afternoon for the cross examination and closing arguments.
    It was frustrating and heartbreaking. The judge went over all the evidence and ruled to take it to trial.
    I hadn’t realized that everyone on the right side of the court room was holding their breath until he gave his ruling. It was at that moment that we all let out a sigh of relief and began breathing again.

    I know it sounds weird for everyone to hear that we are searching for a missing woman. In the last month, it’s gone from a missing woman to a ‘dead body’. I’m sure it sounds even more strange that we are going to the court to ‘hear’ the evidence in the trial. To explain to someone that we are just trying to find out more in hopes of being able to point us in a direction to search just isn’t enough.

    The first time we went into court we watched hours of testimony on hair DNA. We also met Christie’s family, and to speak for both ‘Cita and I, we were blown away by their strength and friendliness. In a rough time they were thoughtful and polite to everyone they came in contact with.
    Christie’s step-father, Pat has a calming effect on everyone. He can reassure you with just a look or a smile. Her mother…what an amazing woman. In my family we call my sister ‘The Rock’ because that is what she is to us. My mom is the glue. I’m guessing that Christie’s mom is both.
    I handed her a candle & holder that ‘Cita and I picked out for her…it said “hope” on the holder and she looked at it and I know she understood what we were trying to say. She hugged us…it was one of those REAL hugs.
    After she was interviewed in front of the courthouse she came over and told us to have a great holiday season…and to let us know that she has lots of Hope. She hugged us and thanked us again.
    In fact, all of her family came over and said hello and offered up hugs.

    I understand how this looks ‘weird’. Two house-wives out looking for a ‘dead body’ and spending our time in court.
    What I don’t understand is how people can tease, mock or poke fun at us for doing it. We aren’t asking that they get in our car and help us look. We aren’t asking for them to come to court with us. We have never asked anything from them.

    ‘Cita’s husband told her, “Just remember that they can say whatever they want. They can crack all the jokes they want. They will never know how good you feel when Christie’s mom thanks you and smiles when she is updated on the places you have been and where you’re going next. It doesn’t even matter when you think about the hope you bring that family.”

    Hope. It’s not even measurable.